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There are basically four ways to attend one of our  retreaminarshops.
There is a summary of those four ways below, followed by  schedules for "Open Enrollment Retreaminarshops" and "Group Retreaminarshops" and "Development Retreaminarshops."

  • Group Retreaminarshops - These are Retreaminarshops that are scheduled for a particular group. This is our preferred way of presenting them as then the group can follow through together.
  • Open Enrollment Retreaminarshops - these are scheduled Retreaminarshops that are open to anyone attending.
  • Semi-Open Retreaminarshops - These are Retreaminarshops that are scheduled for a particular group but they have room for others to join.
  • Special Retreaminarshops - These are the “Overview Seminars” and “Refinement Workshops” that can be scheduled in any one of the three above scenarios.

Scheduled "Group Retreaminarshops"

There currently are no scheduled "Group" Retreaminarshops. If you would like to schedule one  for your church, family or other group please contact us.
(Group Retreaminarshops listed here will indicate if they are  "Closed" or if they are "Open," Open meaning that they are open to other people from outside of the group joining them. If there is a Group Seminar scheduled  that indicates it is Open that you are interested in please contact us for  details.)

Scheduled "Open Enrollment Retreaminarshops"

There currently are no scheduled "Open Enrollment" Retreaminarshops.  If you would like to be notified when we schedule any Retreaminarshops or if you have an interest  in a particular Retreaminarshops please contact us.

Scheduled "Overview Retreaminarshops"

There currently are no scheduled "Overview Seminars.”  If you would like to be notified when we schedule an "Overview Seminar” please contact us

Scheduled "Refinement Retreaminarshops"

("Refinement Retreaminarshops" are intense workshops. It  is important that you read  this explanation  before deciding if they are of interest to you.)

We anticipate the possibility of scheduling "Refinement  Workshops" in the near future. The details and exact schedule are currently being worked out.

If you would like to be notified when we schedule future "Refinement Workshops" please contact us.

FaithFilled Living   Announcements   Under Way   Retreaminarshops   Schedule   Development   Our What?   Director 

“(Jesus) said to (the apostles), ‘Come away to a deserted place all by yourselves and rest awhile’ ...  And they went away in the boat to a deserted place by themselves.”
Mark 6:31 and 32

Contact Information
Phone    888-661-3148
Fax        866-416-5634
Address 6915 Munn Lake Dr SE Olympia, WA 98501
Email      the letters ffl then an at sign and this domain

FaithFilled Living is a non-profit organization that is being incorporated in the State of Washington, USA.